Monday, March 3, 2008

Day of Action!


Along with the other lobbying work we have been doing, we are using this one day to flood the offices of Premier Dalton McGuinty, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant, and your local MPP. This date is important as the Legislature will be sitting on the 17th and the next round of sentencing in Frontenac's injunction will be on the 18th.

Dalton McGuinty - 613-736-9573
Michael Bryant - 416-656-0943
Jeff Leal (MPP Peterborough Riding) - 705-742-3777

WHEN: between 9am - 5pm Friday, March 14 (If that doesn't work for you, anytime is better than never).

WHAT TO EXPECT: These number will take you directly to their constituency offices, where their assistants will either pick up, or you will be put through to voicemail. You can leave a personal message or voicemail recording for their assistants to pass on to them. If you get a busy signal it likely means that someone else is calling in on the same issue. Wait a couple minutes and try again.

WHAT TO SAY: Identify who you are and where you are from. State that you are leaving a message for the Premier, Minister or MPP, and express your support for a moratorium on uranium exploration and mining, and demand that fair and meaningful consultations with affected First Nations be started immediately.
--> Bonus points: Talk about a personal experience that proves to you why addressing this issue is so important and urgent.

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